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How to use Busy as an employee
How to use Busy as an employee

This article gives you a brief introduction to how you as an employee can use Busy.

Liv Ulversøy avatar
Skrevet av Liv Ulversøy
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Get started with Busy

Once Busy is set up your employees can start registering hours. You will get an invitation per e-mail to join your workspace. Ask your administrator if you have not been granted access to Busy yet.

Once you have logged into Busy, you will be taken to the timeline.

The modules found in the side menu are "Timeline", "Schedule", "Reports", "Approve" and "Time Bank". Which modules you have access to depends on your rights - ask your administrator to check your rights if you are missing something!


By pressing on the module «timeline» in the side menu, you will get to the calendar view.

Note: The calendar in Busy differs from a typical calendar in that the time is displayed horizontally and the days vertically.

To register a new hour in Busy, simply «drag and drop» in the timeline or press «New Entry» in the left corner.

Choose a project and a tag. Ad a description if you want. The hour is registered!

To copy an hour in the timeline, hold in «option» and hover over the hour entry that you want to copy. A green «+»-sign will appear.

Click on the hour you want to copy, and drag to where you want to copy it to.

​To change the duration of the hour, simply grap either end and drag.

Similarly, to move the hour to another time/day, simply click on the hour and drag it to where you want it to be.

​Have you already planned your day, but something different pops up in the middle of an hour? Hold in «shift» on your keyboard and hover over the hour to cut it in two or more.

Change the project to a different project, or move the hours around until the day looks like you want it to.

Integration with your calendar

To retrieve meetings and scheduled time from your Google or Microsoft calendar, you can integrate your calendar with Busy. This is done by going to "Settings" → "Integrations".

Meetings and scheduled time will be available in an inbox in your timeline.

Choose the correct project and work tag, and click «Approve» to get the meeting in to Busy as an registered hour.

- Busy collects calendar entries from two previous, and about two months forward in time.
- Declined events are not possible to get back in to Busy, but they can always be registered manually.
- Busy does not send anything back to Google / Microsoft.
- To automatically get calendar entries into Busy, use #projectnumber in the events registered in your calendar. You can either have the project number first in the meeting title, or #projectnumber anywhere in the title.

Obs: We also have a mobile-app for timetracking on the go - download «Busy by 24SevenOffice» on your phone.

The planner

In the planner you can get an overview of your total capacity. If you have worked according to your capacity, the day will be green. If you have worked less than your capacity, the day will be yellow, and if you have worked more than your capacity, the day will be blue.

You can register hours in the planner by clicking «New series» or by clicking on the plus-sign on each day. You can also click and drag, and mark multiple days.

​Choose the period (dates), duration (how much time should be registered every day) and project and tag as usual. You can add a description that will be added to all of the hours.

If you want to make changes you can click on the series and on «Edit all».

You can also click on the pencil to the left to only change one of the hours entries, or on the thrash can to the right to delete one or more hour entries.

Obs: If you want to also see your colleagues in the planner and/or timeline you need to have the correct user rights in Busy. Check with your administrator.

Time bank

As a regular employee, you get your very own time bank. Inside the time bank, you can get an overview of how you are doing with time use, both in terms of extra time, minus time and annual leave balance.

Extratime is time you have worked over your capacity. For example, if your capacity is 40 hours each week and you register 44 hours one week, you will have four hours extratime.

Minustime is time you are working below your capacity. For example, if your capacity is 40 hours each week and you register 36 hours one week, you will have four hours minustime.

Time Balance is the sum of extratime, minustime, purchased leave and payout. For example, if you work 10 hours over your capacity one week, and 4 hours below the next week, you will have 6 hours as your Time Balance. If you decide to flex these 6 hours and register them on «purchased leave», or get them payed out, your time balance will be zero again.


If you are a project manager you will have a menupoint in the sidemenu called «project», where you can find your projects. This will lead you to the project settings for each project.


Every employee will be able to see their own hours in the Hour report.

If you are a project leader or group leader you will also be able to see the hours registered on your projects (by others) or by the people in your group.

As a project leader you will also have access to the project reports from your dashboard, and to the budget reports for your projects.

Is there something you don't have access to that you think you should have access to in Busy? Contact an administrator in your workplace!

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